Tuesday, March 29, 2011
If you remember Naseeruddin Shah made a similar remark in the movie 'A Wednesday' , the only difference in the sentence being 'we are resilient by force not by choice. After the terror attacks in Mumbai everybody was raving about the way Mumbai was back to it's feet the next day . Some though asked downheartedly 'did we have a choice?' I ask them what is wrong with being resilient by choice? sure it's a tragedy and of course it was unexpected but then so is life . We cant expect life to stand still for a day , a week even a month to moan over what we've lost.It'll move on and it is up to us to pick up those broken pieces and start over again . We who are so interested in aping the westerners and their lifestyle should learn from our oriental cousins The Japanese . In the stark midst of this catastrophe and a tragedy of this magnitude what stands out is the brilliant stoicism exhibited by them , their helpful and brotherly nature towards one another should make our heads hang in shame . How many of us can say that if in the midst of the earthquake if we have 2 bottles of water we'd give one to our neighbour who doesn't have any?being the typical Indians we are , we'd probably stock up the other bottle for future use ! After the Mumbai attack we raved against the Pakistanis , all the peace talks came to a stand still and what we're left with after 2 years of the Mumbai attacks is a never ending ongoing trial of Kasab . The Americans declared war against Afganisthan , sent a few soldiers of theirs to the country to kill and to be killed , captured Saddam Hussain and are still looking for Osama while eying all the Muslim nations suspiciously . The poor Japanese cannot point out any fingers their culprit after all being nature , they grieve for their lost ones at the same time trying to set right a situation which is going beyond their control and YET they do not ask for help from any other countries and maintain the same courtesy which we are so acquainted with when it comes to the Japanese , putting in all their energy , force to rebuild the nation they love . My Point being the Japanese have lost on such a large scale(more than 20,000 dead) one can't possibly imagine but you see them functioning as one unit with no blame game , knowing what their priority is whereas we know our priority is to make our nation a safe nation free from terror attacks and yeah resistant to disasters as well but heck we can't even control a city struck with heavy rainfall be it Mumbai or Bangalore ! Isn't it high time we stop trying to imitate The Americans by playing bully or do our all famous blame game and concentrate on strenghthening our internal defences against both Terror as well as Nature ??
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