Friday, September 25, 2009

The Diary of Anne Frank

This book is the diary of a girl who keeps a detailed account of her short life during the period when the Germans had driven the Jewish on their land into hiding . It captures the various phases of adolescence she passes through , the turbulent emotions of a teenager and the sensitivity of a child . The family consisting of her mother , her father (Otto Frank) and her older sister (Margot)go into hiding in a small hidden apartment called the secret Annexe . Apart from her personal feelings and thoughts Anne keeps an account of the current happenings during the Hitler rule . On the 4th of August 1944 they German security police stormed into the secret Annexe and arrested the Franks where they were taken to the Auschwitz concentration camp known to be the most deadly of the camps . The brutality of the Holocaust strikes you then when scores of Annes are gassed out , made to do tons of manual work which is beyond them their main fault being their birth . The Holocaust will remain a black mark in our history and no amends can ever erase it , as it will remain an ugly reminder to how low human beings can stoop . Anne finally succumbed to scabies and died on september 3rd . Her father , Otto frank being the only survivor in the family came back to the Secret Annexe where among other documents he found Anne's diary . Discovering that she nursed an ambition to become an author he made a great deal of effort in trying to get her diary published . It happens to be one of the world's most cherished documents now and many countries have it published in different languages .
Anne shows extraordinary maturity for a teenager and even in those horrible circumstances the Franks try robustly to lead a normal life . It s an extremely touching book and very insightful.

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